Privacy Policy

This document is being produced due to legal requirement under INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT 2000 .


Your consent 

By accessing and using it for some time , a user expressly affirm to Etutorwale to use , process , maintain their information as per the needs of .



Etutorwale commits to protect and safeguard the data entered by the users on the website . The privacy of our website users whether someone is new or old is of utmost importance. We store , collect users data to provide them excellent services  .


What information we collect from users 

On our website we have two categories of users (a) Students and (b) Tutors 

(a) From students we collect informations like Name , Qualification , Father's name , class , percentage in previous class , certificates , email id and password created on website to login .

(b) From tutors we collect information like Name , Qualification , Age , residence details , id details , experience , phone number . Also on our website tutors sell their courses , so we save some of their course material for students . 

Ours is an online platform due to which every payment is done online through a secure third party payment gateway where informations are entered . Those informations are strictly kept confidential .

For etutorwale to recognise a user as a registered member , a user needs to login to the website with his email and password . THis information is also kept strictly confidential by etutorwale .

We also collect some non personal information of users like operating system , browser type , IP address . It is non personal in the sense that it can not identify any individual personally .

Some of the tutors/teachers study material is made public so as to enhance the one on one basis experience between tutors and students .


Why we store or save users information 

1. From time to time information is required by government authorities to disclose it to them .

2. We save the information because we believe that it is necessary for us to protect the rights , property , security , safety of us and other users .

3. To investigate and defend us against any third party claims .

4. For the purpose of marketing and research .


How does Etutorwale protect my personal data 

1. Etutorwale make every physical , electronic and procedural effort to ensure the sfety of user's data .

2. Access to data is limited to our personnel and any third party auhorised by us.

3. We make every commercial effort to ensure safety of data